Thursday, May 21, 2009

every situation makes me panic!

In 2009, I graduated from Uni.

But I couldn't get any job until now.

It's really sad story.

I've tried so many times.

However, it doesn't seems to break through easily.

Cuz u guys know global economy at this time.

Even though I will try until I'll get a best job for me.

plz help me God. I trust & believe God.

I may happy in some days.

I always shout to myself 'Be positive!!'

Saturday, December 02, 2006

take me controlled

i dont know how i can control my emotion. it is really hard.

Especially, somebody(i cant nominate)always irritate me. please let me calm down.

today was tough to me, emotion and physical as well.

i recon that i may consider seriously where i go and stay.

let me have sweet dream!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

i'm crazily busy~~

this season is full of essays and final exams. it makes me really mad.

but, ironically i'm enjoying this situation at the same time.

still i got 2 essays & 4 exams (umm.. pretty busy i guess)

God please~~ hel~~~~~p me!! i know u gotta save me.. ^^

have a good day!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

coming back...

i left this blog for a while. suddenly, i remember this space. From this time, i wanna care this....

i hope people will enjoy with me.

to be continued...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

sleepy day..

through the whole day, i felt sleepy. perhaps i got long term break. As time goes by, i wanna be easygoing strongly. Whereas i feel scary because of my future... maybe...

today my brain is really confusing. i'll clear sooner or later.

Anyhow, i have to prepare presentation for enlightenment evenif i got no idea.
have a nice sleep~~

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tahlee 5

these are oysters. we could get these near the swimming pool.

Tahlee 4

local people made this pool. this is not so deep.

Tahlee 3

He is owner of the boat.

Tahlee 2

he is one of our fishing members.

Tahlee 1

I went to fishing. At that time, i was on that boat. Isn't it beautiful? For 4 hours, we caught over 50 fishes. Of course, we ate them all ^^;

Monday, January 02, 2006

Tahlee was beautiful~

those are Kangaroos. every morning i could see them.