Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Sunny day!!

suddenly i can see shiny sunshine~~. I was looking forward...I love sunny day more than rainy day.. I hope that i can enjoy this summer~~

have a nice day!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Rainy day

this morning is rainny. i think that it has continued several days. it makes me really gloomy. i wanna see shiny sun.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

blue day

today, I woke up late so i missed the chance of work and even i was late morning class.
how terrible !!

this time is class. everybody seem to do something except me. humm...

Just before, we (partner and me)chose the presentation topic, which is porno. It is interesting. But it can be dangerous topic as well.

Fortunately, we know the guy who got the porno web site ID. we will use those things.

hopefully, our classmates will enjoy our presentation.

I wanna sleep~~

Saturday, October 15, 2005

gorgeous little girl!!

suddenly i really want to see my best friend and her daughter.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

first day

I started blogging. It is not first time for me. but i feel strange because i have to write in English. But i don't worry. I'll get used to use as soon as possible.

Today, i got morning class so i was hurry. The class was finished within 1 hour. i don't know it is lucky or not. After that, i went to library then borrowed book, which is about philosophers. it can be interesting.

I think this semester may be tough for me. In my mind, I have to pass this semester then i'll start next course. hopefully.... hopefully...