Tuesday, November 29, 2005

gloomy day..

yesterday friend and I went to Wynard without purpose. when we were walking, we saw various christmas decorations. My friend said "I can't imagine. this year left just one month. then i turn into another age group." yeah... it's really sad story. sometimes i forget my age till somebody ask me. i think it is not important for me. Always i quote this, "The age is just numbers."

But we strongly agreed the quote at the same time we felt emptyness and sighed.

anyway, i 'll plan for next year with expectation.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

sunny day at last....

these days i often see shiny sun!! i love that. unfortunately, my eyes are not so good for sunshine. so it is ironic.

there are two sides for the whole world. so it can be normal. ^^

shiny sun... i'll enjoy and avoid.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

heavy rain

When i went out after class, i met heavy rain. it was a sudden.

And i already caught a cold so i worried about me... I hope that it can't affect me.

I wonder this season is summer or not..

I wanna go to the beach without friends such as a cold. ^^

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I missed the class again...

this time is due to cold. i don't know why i am sick continuously. maybe my body condition is quite bad enough to infect from virus.

anyway, i went doctor then took medicine. now, feel better. but still dizzy.

i hope that i can finish this term without any medical problems.

i'll pray for that...

Friday, November 04, 2005

new sharemate came!!

today new gril sharemate came. Unfortunately, she is quite old. But it can be nice experience. Because I haven't live with old woman except my mom.

I will do my best for the relationship.

Today was quite busy. Our group visited client for the class project. And I met the new sharmate. then did lots of stuffs although i can't say anything. hahaha...

have a nice weekends!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I missed the classes...

from 2days ago, i got pain in my nosetrils. At first, i just ignored. I thought that was not serious stuff. but i missunderstood. it was getting worse. even i got problem with breathing. that's why i missed the classes.

so i went to the doctor. he said that it is virus infection.

from that, i got a lesson. when i get suspicious symtom, i should go to hospital. If not,I know, it can be developed seriously.

i'll do remember!!