Wednesday, January 04, 2006

sleepy day..

through the whole day, i felt sleepy. perhaps i got long term break. As time goes by, i wanna be easygoing strongly. Whereas i feel scary because of my future... maybe...

today my brain is really confusing. i'll clear sooner or later.

Anyhow, i have to prepare presentation for enlightenment evenif i got no idea.
have a nice sleep~~

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tahlee 5

these are oysters. we could get these near the swimming pool.

Tahlee 4

local people made this pool. this is not so deep.

Tahlee 3

He is owner of the boat.

Tahlee 2

he is one of our fishing members.

Tahlee 1

I went to fishing. At that time, i was on that boat. Isn't it beautiful? For 4 hours, we caught over 50 fishes. Of course, we ate them all ^^;

Monday, January 02, 2006

Tahlee was beautiful~

those are Kangaroos. every morning i could see them.